[筆記] 謝孟媛 初級文法 10 — WH問句, 祈使句, 感嘆句

2 min readMay 14, 2018


Unit 6 WH問句, 祈使句, 感嘆句 YouTube

1. WH問句:

疑問詞(wh以及how)為首的疑問句, 不可以回答yes/no, 疑問詞必字首. (間接問句才可以放中間)

  • 疑問詞:
    疑問代名詞: what, who, which, whose
    疑問副詞: when, where, why, how
    疑問形容詞: what , whose, which


  • 疑問詞當主詞
    句型: 疑問詞 + 動詞 ~? => 此疑問詞為單數, 必用單數動詞
    (例) Who is cooking in the kitchen? Kate and Mary are.
    (例) What is there under your bed?
  • 疑問詞當補語
    句型: 疑問詞 + be動詞 + 主詞?
    (例) Whose are these toys?
    (例) Who is that tall boy?
  • 疑問詞當受詞
    句型: 疑問詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞 +原形動詞?
    (例) Which do you want to take?


  • 句型: 疑問詞 + ((be動詞 + 主詞) / (助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞)) ?
    (例) When are you leaving America?
    (例) Where do you come from? Where are you from?
    (例) Why is he absent?
    (例) How did you come here?


  • 句型: 疑問詞 + 名詞 + ((be動詞 + 主詞) / (助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞)) ?
    (例) Which one do you like best?
    (例) Whose house is this? whose is this house?

What 及 How 的疑問句

  • What + 名詞
    How + 形容詞

    (例) What time is it? It’s eight-ten.
    (例) What day is it? It’s Sunday.
    (例) What date is it? It’s October 10.
    (例) What’s the weather like? It’s cold. (How’s the weather today?)
    (例) How old will you be next year? I’ll be ten. => How是副詞, 後面加形容詞
    (例) How tall are you? I’m 160 centimeters tall. I’m five three inches tall.
    (例) How high is Mt. Everest? It’s 8848 meters high.
    (例) How many cups of coffee do you drink? => cup of coffee可數, 用many
    (例) How much coffee do you drink? => coffee不可數, 用much
    (例) How long will you stay in Taipei? For two weeks.
    (例) How long is the rope? It’s two meters.
    (例) How often do you play tennis? Once a month.
    (例) How far is it from here to the post office? It’s about ten minutes walk.

2. 祈使句

表示"希望, 請求"的句子. 直述句, 省略主詞

  • 一般祈使句: 原形動詞~ => You stand up. -> Stand up.
    否定祈使句: Don’t/Never + 原形動詞~
    邀請祈使句: Let’s + 原形動詞~
    (例) 人 Be quiet, please. = 人 Please be quiet (, 人).
    (例) Please stop talking and listen to me.
    Will you please stop talking and listen to me?
    (例) Don’t drink before you drive.
    (例) Never make the same mistake again.
    (例) Let’s go fat a walk. Yes, lets. / No let’s not
  • 比較:
    Let’s play outside. => 表示"提議", 說+聽一起去
    Let us play outside. => 表示"請求", 讓我們

3. 感嘆句

  • What(形容詞) a/an + 形容詞 + 名詞 + 主詞 + 動詞!
  • How(副詞) + 形容詞/副詞 + 主詞 + 動詞!
  • (例) What a beautiful dress (this is)!
    How beautiful the dress is!
    (例) How interesting this novel is!
    What an interesting novel it is!
    (例) Hos fast he run!
    (例) What a day.
  • 比較:
    直述句: You are a very good girl.
    祈使句: Be a good girl.
    感嘆句: What a good girl (you are)!

